sábado, 9 de abril de 2016




Taking care of a child could be considered a funny and nice oportunity to know children and earn some money ,but not all of those experiences are good as you thing.

                                                                   THE BOY

Once upon time, long time ago, in a mansion a rich family was looking for a nanny. When they finally found one, they decided to travel for vacation and left the house and their son with Nadia, the new nanny; but the boy she was suposed to take care of  was a doll. She was amuzed and thought that the family was crazy.

Days later strange thing started to happen, one of them was that the boy doll appeared in different places; for example she put it in the living room and then it appeared in the kitchen,  Another rare thing was that some of her underwear and perfumes  dessapeared and at dawn she always heard someone waking through the house  every day at the same time.

Becouse of that she did not want to keep living in the house so that she tryed to call the owners of the house but they did not answer.
The next day Nadia received a letter saying that the owners of the house had died and lef her all their fortune but she must keep taking care of the boy.
The next mornin Nadia died and until now nobody knows what the real causes of her died were.
TAKEN FROM :https://www.google.com.co/search?q=THE+BOY+PICTURES&

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