martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

opinion essay

Having an eating disorder cause many problems like; low self-esteem, weight loss and even the death.
They can include severe overeating or not consuming enough food to stay healthy. They also involve extreme concern about your shape or weight. 
 In Colombia women are more likely than men to have eating disorders. Because of the fact that they tend to worry so much about her physical appearance and are very vulnerable to suffer an eating disorder. 
 One of the most common eating disorder that women in Colombia experiment are anorexia and bulimia. People who suffer anorexia tent to be scared of gaining weight, and have a strong desire to be thin. Another fact is that Many women with anorexia see themselves as overweight even though they are underweight. They usually deny they have a problem with low weight. And often they weigh themselves frequently, eat only small amounts, and only eat certain foods. 
In the other hand women who suffer bulimia are ashamed of themselves and are expose to diets and long exercises routine that affect their health. They are concerns about weight and body image. In most cases, people suffering with bulimia have trouble manage emotions in a healthy way. 

sábado, 9 de abril de 2016




Taking care of a child could be considered a funny and nice oportunity to know children and earn some money ,but not all of those experiences are good as you thing.

                                                                   THE BOY

Once upon time, long time ago, in a mansion a rich family was looking for a nanny. When they finally found one, they decided to travel for vacation and left the house and their son with Nadia, the new nanny; but the boy she was suposed to take care of  was a doll. She was amuzed and thought that the family was crazy.

Days later strange thing started to happen, one of them was that the boy doll appeared in different places; for example she put it in the living room and then it appeared in the kitchen,  Another rare thing was that some of her underwear and perfumes  dessapeared and at dawn she always heard someone waking through the house  every day at the same time.

Becouse of that she did not want to keep living in the house so that she tryed to call the owners of the house but they did not answer.
The next day Nadia received a letter saying that the owners of the house had died and lef her all their fortune but she must keep taking care of the boy.
The next mornin Nadia died and until now nobody knows what the real causes of her died were.

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2016

Crime in monteria have incresed recently. Because of the fact that is not easy to find a job and some people appealed to  illegal activities like stealing, in order to supply their families' needs.

Women at 70's were more respecful than in nowdays. Sadly it  is a certain stament  because in the past parents used to be more stringent, and values in the family were very  important  but as time passes by the importance of values is less

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016

Big fat race

-tale -moral
Long time ago, there was a famous tale about a robbit and a tortoise. It taughat us many things, one if them is that we should not underestimate our opponent, because of the fact that you thing you are the best one or you have more qualities to do something. It is not correct But there is something worse of being proud and it is become vengeful.

Big fat race

In a world just crowded of robbits and tortoises there was no peace.
They were at war ,so ,they killed each other.
Robbits lived in a poor town under earth and torgoises were the ones that lived in the surface.
One day lucy , the daughter of the leader of tortoises felt into an aqueduct and got into the robbi's town, she was hidden, so that nobody noticed her but two hours laters max, the son of robbit's leader saw a strange shell and started to play with it

When surendly lucy went out of her shell and shouted -stop please you are hurting me Max was very shocked and then he asked her what her name was. -lucy ,she answered -what are you doing here

Max asked

-i felt down and i got here,lucy answered -ok, calm down if someone notices you all robbits will kill you. Unfirtunally it happened

One if the robbits saw lucy and shouted tortoise
And all of them came out to kill her but max did not let it , he shouted -hey every one calm down she is lucy the daughter of tortoise's leader this is our chance to get out of here

We can not kill her we must use her!
Max,said that in orddr ro avoid that robbits kill lucy
Then voldemor ,the leader if robbits apoereaded
He said that max was right and the time of revenge had been come
After that they sent a letter to the tortoise's leader and they made a deal
Their children max and lucy musg compete in a race if lucy wins robbits wills keep living in the misery
But if max wins everything will chance
finishing the race lucy felt into a river and max too trying to help her so at the end both of them died
And nobody wins the race
Moral : we have to start making the chancd by ourself and we should not become a vengeful persin because all the bad things you do
They will return